African Hardwood Spindle Blanks Selection Box
A selection box containing a mix of exotic East African hardwood spindle blanks (squares) for woodturning and carving. This is an excellent opportunity to try some new and unusual species that you may not have worked with before. The species included are varied, but are generally rich in colour and are very hard, some with distinct grain, making them suitable for fine detail wood turning and carving work. Some include contrasting coloured sapwood which are visually striking.
English Woods has recently procured a small supply of 'old stock' East African Hardwoods bought, from within the UK, from a retired importer. Our stocks are therefore limited so move quick to avoid disappointment.
Each box contains 6.5 - 7 Kg of wood (15 - 20 pieces). The blanks will be a mixture of species from the list below. Although not every species listed will be included, there will always be African Blackwood, Madras Thorn and Pau Rosa in every box. There are also likely to be some species in each box that are unlabelled. Whilst our timber identification skills are usually pretty top notch, these species were a bit out of our comfort zone, so while we have tried our very best to identify them, there are a few that we didn't manage!
Species list:
African Blackwood, African Tulipwood, Afzelia, Guava, Leadwood, Madras Thorn (Tamarind), Mangrove, Mhuhu, Mkenge, Mkuruti, Mkongo, Mnangu, Mtundu, Mzundu, Panga Panga, Pau Rosa, Sandalwood and more.
Spindle blanks will range in size:
Section 25 - 75mm (1" - 3")Length 75 - 300mm (3" - 12")
- Unusual and interesting species - a chance to try something new
- Wax sealed ends - reducing the chance of splits when stored
- Ready to put on the lathe - saves you time
- Carefully selected and cut - less waste
- Only good quality wood included - less disappointment
- Presented in a box - ideally suited as a gift
Each box contains 6.5 - 7kg of wood.
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